please, if you know this, contact me. I need to know! and I do not know how I would find out otherwise. Thus, it is illegal to drive with an English car in a country where it is driven on the right? and vice versa. Thus, it is illegal to drive a högertrafiksbil in a country thathas left? elleeeeeerrrrrr, it is permissible to run a UN-ENGLISH carin a country where there is left? strike out the last. MAIL ME.
a humiliating day for all men on this earth. why should women justget their own days? when is international man days? it must feelreally tough for all the boys to everything, one day a year, onlyabout women. Sure, they say that it is still only a day and that you could live with. but in the long run, it will be more. how long do youaverage? about 80 years? then it suddenly 80 days, over alifetime, as they are oppressed, and a little less worth as a man. 80 days, it's an entire summer. there is probably no one who wants to feel oppressed and less worth A WHOLE summer vacation?
is recognition humor racism?